Medic999 CR (Compulsorily Retired)

It is with much regret and not a little anger that I find that Mark Glencourse, aka Medic999, has been forced to choose between his profession and his blog.

Mark’s blog has always been an inspiration. He has put tragic events across very well, walking the tightrope between mawkishness and couldn’t-care-less. He has been really informative and inspirational. As an Amateur, I found his standards were thos to which we should aspire.

In all this time, I cannot recall an incident where a patient could have been identified. I’m sure that sometimes he changed the sex of the patient! Confidentiallity is very important, but if the patient details are hidden as well as Mark did then who loses if he writes about them? Many gain.

His blog was a credit not only to Mark himself, but to the North East Ambulance Service as well. It’s strange to me how the NEAS has decided to threaten their best PR person.

I can’t blame Mark for doing what he did; he has a living to earn, and the people of the North East would lose a great paramedic if he was fired. I can, and do, blame the NEAS management for their short-sighted approach to Mark’s blog. Didn’t they realise what a great PR job he was doing for them?

Thanks Mark. You did a great job on the blog and I’m sure you do an even better one in the real world.

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